Current top places for streaming video

Best for quality: none current
Best for full movies:
Best for series: Surf the channel
Best for anime: Anime that!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Beyond High Definition: The Beginning

Hello fellow internet TV lovers!

This is the first post of what will hopefully be many, to this Blog about the direction of webtv. Me and my brother will be updating it with the latest news and developments within the streaming video category.

I am a web developer, and will therefore mainly make posts about the technical side of things and how High Definition media takes over the web (it will!). I will (attempt to) make insightful comments on the design and functionality of streaming sites (e.g. youtube) and hand out good advice on where to best get your tv fix :-)

My brother is an indie movie producer in his spare time, and is (arguably) more of a stream addict than me - he will blog about where the best hd content is and what free series (copyrighted or not) are worth a watch on the web at the moment.

Finally this is a place where old fashioned TV - the old hype, which no one really cares about anymore ;), is long forgotten. I got rid of my TV long ago, coz all the free on demand content you could ever want is RIGHT HERE on the internet, only a few clicks away.

...or to put it in a more symbolic phrase: "TV is dead. Long live (web)tv!".

Happy streaming (and beyond ;))

1 comment:

a2 said...

hi you!
your blog very nice...welcome my blog to watching video cool...thanks for your visit...